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Alternate job titles: Clinical Social Worker - MSW

Provides social work services to hospital patients and their families. Counsels and provides crisis intervention for patients, including assessment and treatment of emotional and behavioral problems related to hospitalization. Participates as a member of multi-disciplinary team and may assist patients in treatment planning. May contribute to the formulation of discharge plans. May take a leadership role on more complex cases. Requires a master's degree of social work. Typically reports to a manager. Years of experience may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specia more...

Provides social work services to home care patients and their families. Assesses and treats emotional and behavioral problems related to patient illness. Participates as a member of multi-disciplinary team and may assist patients in treatment planning. May contribute to the formulation of discharge plans. Requires a master's degree of social work. Typically reports to a senior case manager. Years of experience may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the main requirement. more...

Alternate job titles: Community Social Worker -MSW | Licensed Social Worker- MSW | Social Worker - Master's

Interviews clients and their families and coordinates and plans programs and activities to meet their social and emotional needs. Provides crisis intervention and assists families in understanding the implications and complexities of the life situation and its impact on lifestyle. Provides professional social work assistance to clients and families as related to illness, disease, hospitalization, financial and educational needs by utilizing a variety of modalities in all areas of service. Responsibilities also include involvement in the discharge planning process. Requires a master's degree. T more...

Alternate job titles: Social Worker (MSW) | Licensed Social Worker- MSW | Social Worker - Master's

The Community Social Worker -MSW provides crisis intervention and assists families in understanding the implications and complexities of the life situation and its impact on lifestyle. Interviews clients and their families and coordinates and plans programs and activities to meet their social and emotional needs. Being a Community Social Worker -MSW responsibilities also include involvement in the discharge planning process. Provides professional social work assistance to clients and families as related to illness, disease, hospitalization, financial and educational needs by utilizing a variet more...

Alternate job titles: Social Worker (MSW) | Community Social Worker -MSW | Social Worker - Master's

The Licensed Social Worker- MSW provides crisis intervention and assists families in understanding the implications and complexities of the life situation and its impact on lifestyle. Interviews clients and their families and coordinates and plans programs and activities to meet their social and emotional needs. Being a Licensed Social Worker- MSW responsibilities also include involvement in the discharge planning process. Provides professional social work assistance to clients and families as related to illness, disease, hospitalization, financial and educational needs by utilizing a variety more...

Alternate job titles: Medical Social Worker (MSW)

The Clinical Social Worker - MSW counsels and provides crisis intervention for patients, including assessment and treatment of emotional and behavioral problems related to hospitalization. Provides social work services to hospital patients and their families. Being a Clinical Social Worker - MSW may contribute to the formulation of discharge plans. Participates as a member of multi-disciplinary team and may assist patients in treatment planning. In addition, Clinical Social Worker - MSW may take a leadership role on more complex cases. Requires a master's degree of social work. Typically repor more...

Alternate job titles: Mental Health Clinician (MSW) | Mental Health Clinician - Medical Social Worker

The Clinical Mental Health Social Worker - MSW conducts patient assessments, coordinates services, and provides individual therapy to help patients make positive behavior changes. Provides clinical counseling and case management services to patients. Being a Clinical Mental Health Social Worker - MSW requires a master's degree in Social Work. Provides direction to clinical team for the implementation of treatment plans. In addition, Clinical Mental Health Social Worker - MSW typically reports to a department manager. Clinical Mental Health Social Worker - MSW's years of experience requirement more...

Alternate job titles: Clinical Mental Health Social Worker - MSW | Mental Health Clinician - Medical Social Worker

Provides clinical mental health counseling and case management services to patients. Completes patient assessments to identify social and emotional challenges. May conduct crisis interventions with patients and families. Recommends and coordinates services. Coordinates with multi-disciplinary teams to develop and implement a holistic treatment plan. Typically requires eligibility for state licensure. Requires a master's degree in social work. Typically reports to a manager. Years of experience may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the main requiremen more...

Alternate job titles: Clinical Social Worker - BSW

Provides social work services to hospital patients and their families. Counsels and provides crisis intervention for patients, including assessment and treatment of emotional and behavioral problems related to hospitalization. Participates as a member of multi-disciplinary team and may assist patients in treatment planning. May contribute to the formulation of discharge plans. Requires a bachelor's degree of social work. Typically reports to a manager. Years of experience may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the main requirement. more...

Alternate job titles: Clinical Social Worker - BSW -Home Care

Provides social work services to home care patients and their families. Counsels and provides support for patients' psychosocial needs during illness and treatment. Advises family members about additional services and makes referrals. Participates as a member of a multi-disciplinary team and assists with developing a holistic treatment plan. Requires a bachelor's degree in social work. Requires the applicable State License to Practice Clinical Social Work. Typically reports to a manager. Years of experience may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the m more...

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